

Ensuring the highest quality data is produced at every stage of image capture


获取最高质量的地图图像需要高科技工具和行业领先人才的合作. 这就是GeoPodTM 繁荣, thanks to its potent combination of cutting-edge technology, seamless hardware integration and pioneering software, and the focused recruitment of leading experts and specialists. 结果是:一个被证明的, 集成系统,独特地实现最高等级的地理分布式图像映射, 准确性和可靠性.

As part of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Aeroptic® product line, GeoPodTM 旨在通过处理确保在图像捕获的每个阶段产生最高质量的数据. 实现我们的目标, including our mantra of making every pixel count, we leverage state-of-the-art components available from the commercial market, 并将其与我们在机载环境校准和集成方面的专业知识相结合.

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  • 无与伦比的视觉数据质量

    领先的光学组件, 比传感器, 直接地理参考技术和下一代惯性测量单元(IMU)与尖端校准相结合,产生无与伦比的质量图像数据, 导致最高等级的图像地图.

  • 以较低的成本提供优质的服务

    的GeoPodTM 由于其优越的收集速度和垂直整合,该系统的成本比竞争对手的航空服务低50%, 直接地理参考处理工作流.

  • 工作更快,更准确

    The system has a market-leading processing speed and delivers exceptional geospatial accuracy.  对于时间敏感的项目, 正规博彩十大网站排名 delivers completed mosaics within 24 hours of collection, regularly doing so for millions of acres per day.

  • 提供无缝可扩展性

    的GeoPodTM 该系统可以通过第三方飞行服务提供商快速安全地扩展到覆盖数百万英亩的范围,并在世界任何地方提供快速有效的传感器系统.

  • 所有条件下的耐久性

    崎岖的, 电子快门传感器系统确保在最恶劣的操作条件下的可靠性和长寿命, and its packaging reflects its roots as a military mapping system.

  • 便于运输和携带

    系统硬件装在坚固的箱子里,一个人可以很容易地作为行李运输, and it takes less than 1 hour to install on an aircraft, 没有重大的飞机改装.


  • 美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)批准的FAA补充型号证书(STC)临时安装在普通飞机上
  • Visual, 3D, and multispectral/thermal configurations, with lidar coming soon
  • Intuitive, automated Flight Management System (FMS)
  • Cloud-based mission management software (SUMMIT)
  • Highest sharpness commercially available optics, ruggedized for long term, metric use
  • Global electronic shutter, high dynamic range and superior signal-to-noise 比传感器
  • 快速驾驶员-操作员培训



Learn about GeoPod's technology and proven results.

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