




We worked with the Atlanta Downtown Improvement District and Central Atlanta Progress to prepare a 愿景规划 买下佐治亚州亚特兰大市中心三十英亩的荒废土地. The project and site area are centered upon the main transportation artery in Atlanta, 该地区, 以及亚特兰大市中心的I-85/75连接线. 50多年来, the Connector has created a decidedly negative effect on the physical urban fabric and socioeconomics of Atlanta’s Downtown neighborhoods.

Our vision is to create a fifteen-acre deck park over the interstate to unlock economic development in the district leading to the re-establishment of a walkable, world-class destination leveraging a direct connection to Downtown and Midtown Atlanta. Through the creation of air rights development and adjacent redevelopment supported by the park, the disruptive patterns of the highway will be replaced by a new urban neighborhood. The neighborhood and deck park will form a new front door for Downtown and make a stronger connection to the Civic Center Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) station. The historically underutilized MARTA station is envisioned to be expanded into a multi-modal station for regional and local buses.

代表着潜在的数十亿美元的发展, this new front door to Downtown will become a catalyst for stitching the Midtown and Downtown cores together. 这种城市拼接将创造, 在本质上, 亚特兰大的一个统一的中央商务区.

  • 35


  • $ 3.1 B


  • 3


  • 486 K
